As we progress through the harvest season Gratitude and Release become central themes associated with the Autumn Equinox. Use the ritual below as an outline to create a ritual Honoring the spirit of the season.
- Gather 2 pieces of paper. Create a calm and comfortable environment and center yourself. On the first piece of paper compose a list of things that you are greatful for. This can be as big as a major life event such as a promotion, or as maundane as your morning tea or coffee, and anything inbetween. What people, places, and things bring you joy in your day to day life, try to list 11 or more, sit with this list and energy for a moment and allow the feeling of gratitude and wonder for the life experiances we are allowed to enjoy surround you. You may find that placeing your hand over your heart during this excercise feels good to you- do what ever you are called to do as you sit with this feeling.
- Once you feel ready to move on, set the first list aside and re-center yourself. Take some time to reflect on any recurring challenges - these can be behaviors or emotional reactions that you wish to separate yourself from. Fears and self-limiting beliefs such, external circumstances that you feel you have outgrown but still feel bound by. Write these down. The number here is not as important but generaly less than you put on your gratitude list would be reccomended. As we always want to be more greatful than we are discontent.
- Upon completing the list, sit with this one as well for a moment. In your minds eye, envision each of these items you wish to release and visualize them fading away, any ties to these concerns are seperated. Don’t get too caught up in the technicalities and logistics of HOW these things will seperate from you (such as perhaps a job that you want to move on from) Just visualize the concern fading away - or strings connecting you to that item being severed. Try to allow yourself to feel the physical and emotional lightening, relief of this burden being gone. Hold on to that feeling and repeat as you move from bullet point to bullet point on your list.
- After you have finished working through each of the items you wish to release, I recommend disposing of the physical piece of paper containing them. You can burn the item outdoors safely in a fire proof container, tear up the list and throw it away (recylce), bury it away from your home. Simply find a safe means of disposal that feels right for you.
- For your graititude list, I recommend folding the paper and keeping it for the duration of the autumn season, When folding, fold towards you, and turn a quarter turn clockwise each time. This directs the energy towards you and to intensify, which is what you would want - more of the things you are greatful for called towards your life. You can keep this petition on your altar if you use one, by your bed, or carry it in your purse/backpack, or fold it and place it under a candle that you dedicate to boosting the energy of your intention.